
异议新闻媒体冒起 惟前景未明
A screenshot from InMedia from September 2022. InMedia was founded in 2005 and has stated aims of promoting media to enhance civil society, and foster the development of citizen journalists. Credit: InMedia Hong Kong
《Hong Kong Free Press》是一家成立于2015年的英文网上新闻媒体,其创立宗旨为「公正、非牟利、100%独立」,曾获得新闻界奖项。《HKFP》坚持「为无声者而非当权者发声」,致力于公正平衡报道。其收入主要依赖读者单次及月费捐款计划,但内容则维持免费看阅。在2022年7月,其脸书和Instagram分别有37万及15.9万人追踪。
除了新闻报道外,不少政论节目平台亦持续发声,并在几家主要新闻机构停运后更受欢迎。政论节目普遍依靠名嘴来吸引观众,他们被称作KOL (Key Opinion Leaders的简写,即主要意见领袖),主要透过YouTube频道免费发放,部份人则于其他网上平台开设收费节目。
已移居台湾的网台D100前节目主持人桑普,亦在YouTube设有桑普频道,资料显示,其平台由2020年11月只有3330人订阅,到2022年7月已激增至超过8万人订阅。而香港电台皇牌讽刺时弊节目《头条新闻》前主持人曾志豪,亦已移居台湾,其YouTube频道《志豪Live Show》的追踪人数,由2019年5月的5万增至2022年7月的22万;《头条新闻》另一位前主持人吴志森,2019年成立了个人YouTube频道《Ng Sam》,订阅人数于三年间,由5万人急增至30万,吴志森去年已移居英国。
A screenshot from the Meme Hong Kong Youtube channel displaying videos from September 2022. The channel currently has over 846K subscribers and over 1.668 million combined views. Credit: MemeHK
在众多平台中,Channel C是唯一打正「延续《苹果日报》」旗号的综合新闻平台,并以「为民请命、抱打不平」为口号。不过,Channel C的新闻,极少触及因2019-20年骚乱而被捕人士案件的相关消息,更鲜有对政权的批判报道,似乎背离了《苹果日报》的惯常做法。其中一名创办人于2021年7月13日接受《立场新闻》访问时承认,该平台的报道「未必涉及很多新闻元素」。
而在台湾则有综合新闻平台同文,其宗旨为连结海内外的香港人;一班已移居英国的前香港新闻工作者,亦在当地筹组成立《追新闻》,以「维护新闻自由、捍卫民主人权」为目标,标榜「毋忘入行初心」为宗旨, 新闻内容则比较贴近传统传媒,包含香港、两岸及国际大事,以及调查新闻报道。
相对《独立媒体》及Channel C,大多数新成立的新闻平台均极小规模(见附表),主要依赖兼职记者及编辑运作,而一些由独立记者独自开设的「自媒体」,规模则更加小,当中包括两位前《苹果日报》专题组记者。其中,陈珏明扬言「为相信的价值继续做坚持的人」;而梁嘉丽则专注记录在时代急速变迁下的香港故事。
A screenshot from Channel C HK on September 7 2022 reports on the arrest of HKJA Chair Ronson Chan. Channel C HK is one of Hong Kong’s largest independent media outlets and has presented itself as a successor to the shuttered Apple Daily. CreditL Channel C HK
为了抗衡立场拥护香港的平台,不少亲北京或由中方支持的平台自21世纪初期起亦纷纷涌现。2022年5月创刊的《观新闻》,是众多亲北京平台中最新成立的,而其他则是时事评论频道,当中最受注目的是《KOLHK时事梓引》频道。《KOLHK时事梓引》由新民党立法会议员李梓敬牵头成立,事缘大批建制派人士在2019年区议会选举中落选,李梓敬遂发起「KOL 100」计划,希望召集到100名建制派意见领袖(KOLs)在网上加强支持政府的声音。经过两年经营,李梓敬的频道由原先2万人订阅,增至如今有近33万人,总点击亦超过一亿。
A screenshot from showing search results under the #KOL100 hashtag on October 13, 2022. The KOL100 project was initiated by New People’s Party lawmaker Dominic Lee Tsz-king and aims to strengthen pro-government votes through promoting ‘key opinion leaders’ or influencers. Credit: YouTube
Table 3: News services launched since 2019-20
Total YouTube subscribers: 1,075,300*
Total Facebook followers: 970,200*
Total Instagram followers: 651,600*
Several news outlets have followers through Patreon, their own websites and other social media platforms.
*Statistics at September 2022
Total new media services - 23
Location: Canada - launched January 2021
Founder: Former performer Joseph Tay and Fiona Yellow
Content: Original content - Cantonese current affairs and information offerings that connect Hongkongers with Canadian society
Reach: YouTube 121,000 subscribers; Facebook 22k followers; Instagram 3.6k followers, website, mobile app
Business model: No information available
Location: United Kingdom - Apple Daily section; continued after closure of Apple Daily in June 2021
Founder: A former financial editor and commentator of Apple Daily
Content: Original - Stock market news
Reach: Mainly on Patreon; Facebook 80k followers
Business model: Patreon membership – restricted content
Location: Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Canada - Apple Daily section; continued after closure of Apple Daily in June 2021
Founder: A former property news reporter of Apple Daily
Content: Original content – Property news and migration information
Reach: Facebook 11k followers; YouTube 3k subscribers; Instagram 800
Business model: Patreon membership, seminars, courses, free access
Location: Hong Kong – launched June 2021
Founder/s: The special supplement section of former reporters of Apple Daily
Content: Original content - Reviews and test reports of cars and car components
Reach: YouTube 82k subscribers; Facbook 15.9k followers; Instagram 31.7k followers
Business model: Advertisements, readers' financial contribution via Pay Me, paid content, free access
Location: Hong Kong – launched July 2021
Founder/s: Five former journalists of Apple Daily
Content: Original content - City, crime, and culture news
Reach: YouTube 200k subscribers (over 60 million views); Facebook 100k followers; Instagram 200k followers, Website
Business model: Paid membership started in May 2022, advertising, paid content, free access
Location: Hong Kong – launched July 2021
Founder/s: Former journalists of Apple Daily and Next Magazine
Content: Original content – Entertainment news
Reach: Facebook 297k followers; Instagram 198k followers; YouTube 10.7k subscribers
Business model: Patreon membership, advertising, free access
Location: Hong Kong – launched July 2021
Founder: A former sports reporter of Apple Daily
Content: Original content – Sport news
Reach: Facebook 80k followers, Instagram 25.9k followers; YouTube 7k subscribers
Business model: Patreon membership, free access
Location: Hong Kong – launched July 2021
Founder/s: Former reporters of the financial news section of Apple Daily
Content: Original– Business news
Reach: Facebook 37k likes; YouTube 23k subscribers; Instagram 6.3k followers
Business model: Advertising, paid content, free access, YouTube advertising revenue split
Founder: Former TVB news reader Chris Wong
Content: Some original content, Self-Media - Cantonese newscasts of aggregated Hong Kong and world news, vlogs of snippets of UK life, occasional news reports about Hongkongers in UK
Reach: YouTube, under 100K subscribers; Instagram, 16k followers; Facebook, 14k followers; Patreon
Business model: Patreon subscription revenue
Location: Hong Kong – launched August 2021
Founder/s: Former reporters of Apple Daily
Content: Original - News and reviews of technology products
Reach: YouTube 62k subscribers; Facebook 14k followers; Instagram 10k followers; Line 380 followers, website
Business model: Advertising, Patreon membership, paid content, free access
Location: Hong Kong – launched September 1 as hard copy. Moved online after October 9.
Founder: Former sports, entertainment, and horseracing reporters at Apple Daily
Content: Original - Horseracing news; Sports and Entertainment news suspended on December 31
Reach: Facebook, 8k followers, Patreon
Business model: Patreon membership, restricted content
Location: Taiwan – launched End of October 2021
Founder: Simon Shen, International Relations scholar.
Content: Original - Stories about Hongkongers overseas, After closure of Stand News and Citizen News more stories about Hong Kong. Run by part-time journalists in Hong Kong and overseas correspondents.
Reach: Facebook over 30k followers, Instagram over 10k followers, website
Business model: Supporter Donations
Location: Hong Kong – founded November 2021
Founder: Former reporters of the supplement section of Apple Daily
Content: Original - Lifestyle, culture
Reach: YouTube 400k Subscribers with over 70 million views, Facebook 30k followers, Instagram 95k followers, website
Business model: YouTube advertising revenue split, advertisement, free access.
Location: Hong Kong – founded in February 2021
Founder: Former assistant executive editor of News Lancet, Cable News
Content: No original reporting, Self-Media - News Commentary
Reach: Facebook, 21k followers
Business model: Not-for-profit ‘self media’.
Location: Hong Kong – founded in July 2021
Founder: Former special topic chief reporter of Apple Daily
Content: Original, Self-Media - Initially mainly court and political news, also special topics, and memories about Apple Daily news operations
Reach: Facebook, 30k followers; Liker.land
Business model: Unknown other than Liker.Land subscription revenue
Location: Hong Kong – founded in July 2021
Founder: Former special topic reporter of Apple Daily, Leung Ka-lai
Content: Original, Self-Media - Profile interviews, features
Reach: Facebook, 34k followers; Instagram, under 4k followers; Patreon
Business model: Unknown other than Patreon subscription revenue
Location: UK – founded in March 2022
Founder: reporters from several news organisations
Content: Original daily news in HK, China and Taiwan, plus international news; information about living overseas; news commentary
Reach: Facebook; under 50k followers, Instagram over 9k followers, YouTube under 15k subscribers, Patreon
Business model: Supporter donations, free access content.
Location: Hong Kong – Founded in April 2022
Founder: Former Stand News reporter Lam Yin-Pong
Content: Original reporting, self-media, mainly political news analysis and profile interviews
Reach: Facebook, 40k followers; Instagram 28k followers; Patreon subscriptions, over 280
Business model: Patreon subscription revenue
Location: Hong Kong – founded May 26 2022
Founder: Anecdotally - a senior journalist in a pro-democracy news organisation
Content: Original - Lifestyle information and consumption guide, especially in the Greater Bay Area
Reach: Biweekly hard copy. Facebook and Instagram, 300 followers. YouTube, 180 followers. Presence on Weixin, Weibo, Douyin, Bilibili and own website.
Business model: no information available
Location: Hong Kong – Founded May 2022
Founder: Former court news reporters from several news organizations
Content: 100% original; court news about political cases
Reach: Facebook 52K followers; Instagram 33.2K followers; Twitter 9K followers; Telegram 5.8K subscribers; YouTube 5.1K subscribers
Business model: Patreon membership, free access.
Location: Hong Kong – Founded May 2022
Founder: Stephen Shiu Yeuk-Yuen
Content: Not Original - Comprehensive news oriented towards maintaining Hong Kong Culture
Reach: Facebook 25 followers, website
Business model: no information available.
Location: Hong Kong – founded June 11 2022
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Founder: Former video producers and reporters of RTHK programme Hong Kong Connection,
Content: Original - Documentaries on stories of overseas Hongkongers
Reach: YouTube, 56k subscribers; Facebook, 31k followers; Instagram 13k followers; Web presence.
Location: Hong Kong – Founded January 2022
Founder: A former reporter of Citizen News
Content: Original content; mainly personality profiles especially those related to cultural affairs; investigative news
Reach: Facebook 11k followers, website
Business model: Subscription; book club membership